Monday, September 29, 2014

Ending Strong

Today is September 29, 2014 and our September in Prayer is quickly coming to an end.  Our school has focused this month on prayer for our BBQ/Auction that is scheduled for October 17-18, 2014.  First, let me thank you for your prayer and support.  Second, let me encourage you to keep on praying.  God is not done with us yet, please keep taking our school before our God for strength, wisdom, and patience.

I was reading Luke 14: 28-33 and reflecting not only on our BBQ/Auction, but on our school as a whole.  This passage in Luke talks about "counting the cost" before you do anything.  Jesus is talking to a large crowd and asks if a tower maker considers the cost of materials before he embarks on building a tower, and then later (verse 31) asks if a king considers the strength of his opponent before he goes off to war?  Both situations will have dire consequences if there is no consideration of the cost.  In the example of the tower builder, if the builder runs out of materials before the tower is complete he will be ridiculed; and in the example of the king, his army could be slaughtered if he is greatly outnumbered.  Both scenarios could end in disaster - what does this mean to us?  For me this is a great passage to keep me focused on God and not on man.  Our Board of Trustees and  Administrative Team continually ask, "What does God want for CCS?"  Our Board and our Team filter our programs and policies through a Biblical worldview not a humanistic or constructivist one.  We know that whatever is accomplished will be done through His strength and not our own.  Asking the question - "What Would Jesus Do" or "How Can God Be Glorified Through Us" keeps our perspective right.

October is only 2 days away . . . how can God be glorified through you as we conclude September and begin October?

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