Monday, January 12, 2015

Kind Words

Proverbs 12:25 states, "An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up." Similarly, Proverbs 15:23 shares, "A man finds joy in giving an apt reply - and how good is a timely word!"

Think about the second part of verse 23 . . . and how good is a timely word; so true!  Think about the times you have been encouraged with a 'timely' word of encouragement.  I know for me, just last week someone reached out to encourage me - they made my day!  With just a few words of encouragement I was energized, validated, optimistic, and even brought closer to my Lord and Savior.  Yes, a kind word can allow us to refocus and see God in the small stuff.  Be an encourager this week; give a kind word and watch what God will do through you and for you.  Not only will you encourage another, but you might just be encouraged yourself.  Here is a great video that might help you remember to say more kind things:

Your kind words will definitely be an encouragement, but so are your prayers.  Will you please pray for:
  1. Hurting Families.  You may or may not know who is hurting, but God does.  Please pray that families will be drawn close to God and feel His embrace in times of struggle.
  2. Enrollment.   Enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year will begin in February.  Please pray for wisdom as families make decision about enrolling at CCS.
  3. Elementary Principal Search.  Please pray that God reveals the person He has already chosen for this position, and that our search committee will be patient and allow God to lead.
  4. Budget.  The Board of Trustees will be determining the 2015-2016 budget in the months to come; please pray for wisdom and unity for our Board.
Have a great Monday!!

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